Hospital Beaufort

Hospital Beaufort
Hospital Beaufort

Hospital Beaufort is a government hospital located in Beaufort, Sabah…

Hospital Beaufort provides medical services to all communities in the state and surrounding areas to ensure the health of the community is enhanced and the delivery of information is channeled more effectively.

This is in line with its objective of this hospital as an excellent health care center.


Hospital Beaufort, Peti Surat 40, 89807 Beaufort, Sabah, Malaysia.


+6 087-212333






Hospital Beaufort set up for help an individual achieve and maintain a health standard to enable him to carry out productive economic and social life

This can be achieved by providing efficient, effective and effective treatment, rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation services with emphasis on underprivileged groups.


Hospital Beaufort is a government hospital located in Sabah, Malaysia. Hospital Beaufort is located in the Underground of the State of Sabah. Hospital Beaufort rating of Kota Kinabalu is 100 km away. Beaufort Hospital has started its operation since 1899 with a total number of beds of 77. The site of Hospital Beaufort original site at that time was 4.27 acres.

Due to population growth and the lack of other basic infrastructure, the government has approved a new Beaufort Hospital development project. Accordingly, a new hospital has been set up at a new site of 8.17 hectares at a cost of RM 13 million. The new Hospital Beaufort was completed in 1984 and officially moved and commenced operations on January 28, 1985.

On April 13, 1985, the Hospital Beaufort was officiated by the Chief Minister of Sabah, Y.A.B Datuk Harris Salleh at the time. The Director of Hospital Beaufort at that time was Datuk Dr. Mitchel Chan


We hospital staff undertake to work to provide medical services in accordance with the following principles: –


  • Each customer will be given quality medical treatment accordingly regardless of age,
  • gender, religion or socio-economic status.
  • Every customer defined as in an emergency will be promptly served.
  • Each patient requiring special treatment not available at this hospital will be referred to
  • another appropriate hospital.


  • Every customer will be well-served, friendly, thoughtful, respectful and courteous,
  • honest and sincere.
  • Every customer will be best served as professionally.
  • Every customer will be provided with clean and perfect amenities and environment.


  • Each patient is assured that his or her dignity will be preserved when receiving treatment. Any information on illness and treatment will be kept confidential and can only be informed to certain parties with their consent subject to law.
  • Each patient will be given a clear explanation of the proposed procedures and treatments including risks and other options.


  • Every customer will be given information on important aspects in terms of health care and disease prevention.


To enable the hospital to perform this charter effectively, the patient is obliged to: –

  • Submit documents such as identity cards or birth certificates or referral letters and accurate personal details during registration.
  • Comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Maintain health and society by practicing a healthy way of life.
  • Use the facilities provided responsibly.


Always strive to improve and implement comprehensive services in all respects in accordance with the Client Charter based on standard service quality.

Providing quality and ethical services through increased efficiency and professionalism to ensure that customers’ needs and expectations are met.

We will strive to meet our customers’ needs and wants and carry out their duties and responsibilities with professionalism, teamwork and caring in an effort towards achieving excellent work culture.


Among the Services available at Hospital Beaufort:

Clinical Units

  • Internal Patient Services
  • Outpatient and Emergency
  • Emergency and Trauma Unit
  • Outpatient Department
  • Hemodialysis unit
  • Forensic Unit
  • Surgery Hall Unit
  • Maternity Ward Unit

Management Units

  • Service Unit
  • financial unit
  • Security Unit
  • information technology unit
  • Assistant Medical Officer Unit
  • Engineering & Operations Unit
  • Nursing Unit
  • Public Relations Unit
  • Revenue Unit

Support Units

  • Pharmacy & Supply Unit
  • Patalogi Unit + Blood Transfusion
  • Dietetic & Dish Unit
  • Imaging & Diagnostic Unit
  • Member Recovery Unit
  • Occupational Rehabilitation Unit

Clinical Support Units

  • Health Promotion Unit
  • Medical Social Work Unit
  • Disposable Unit & Sterile Supplies
  • Public Health Unit
  • Medical Record Unit