Hospital Tuaran

Hospital Tuaran
Hospital Tuaran

Hospital Tuaran is a government hospital located in Tuaran, Sabah….

Hospital Tuaran provides medical services to all communities in the state and surrounding areas to ensure the health of the community is enhanced and the delivery of information is channeled more effectively.

This is in line with its objective of this hospital as an excellent health care center.


Hospital Tuaran, Peti Surat 620, 89208 Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia.


+6 088 – 788 317


088 – 788 795


[email protected]




Hospital Tuaran set up for help an individual achieve and maintain a health standard to enable him to carry out productive economic and social life

This can be achieved by providing efficient, effective and effective treatment, rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation services with emphasis on underprivileged groups.

Hospital Tuaran is a government hospital located in Tuaran, Sabah. The Hospital is a non-specialist district hospital providing outpatient services and inpatient services.


Health Services have begun in Tuaran District as early as 1933. At that time it was known as the Tuaran Dispensary built by the British Charted Company and operated by a “Dresser” and an “Attendant” (Health Assistant Assistant).

Until 1989, the government under the Management of the State Health Department replaced the Tuaran dispensary by hiring a shop building and renamed Tuaran Polyclinic while waiting for Tuaran Hospital Phase 1 (currently available) to be completed until 1992.

The current Tuaran Hospital was completed and fully operational in 1993. The hospital was officially launched by former Health Minister of Malaysia, YB Dato ‘Lee Kim Sai on April 8, 1994. Now Tuaran Phase II Hospital is under construction to accommodate a total of 76 beds awaited by the residents of Tuaran District for almost 20 years and is expected to be completed in May 2013.



We promise to provide professional, safe, friendly, caring and quality services.

1. We will prioritize Critical and Partial Critical Cases in the Department
Emergency and Trauma with waiting time as follows:
a. All Critical Cases (Red Zone) are treated immediately;
b. All Critical Partial Cases (Yellow Zone) are treated within 15 minutes;
c. Other cases (Green Zone) will be seen according to the patient’s priority.

2. Outpatient Clinic Services and Expert Clinic will be provided according to
turn and / or patient condition. Priority will be given to childrens, pregnant women,
senior citizens and people with disabilities (OKU).

3. Information will be provided to customers regarding illness and care.

4. Confidentiality of personal information, illness and care given to patient is guaranteed.

5. Clean, comfortable and safe facilities and environment are available.



  • Providing quality health services to all societies to achieve optimal health, fair and equitable, using all available facilities and technologies, and always strive to improve the quality of human resources by practicing a work culture based on corporate culture values towards health excellence.


  • Tuaran Hospital as a health institution that is able to provide excellent health services continuously to all societies.


  • Always strive to improve service quality by strengthening expertise and optimizing the use of human resources in their respective fields, as well as corporate culture practices.
    Create a conducive and safe working environment and equip all the facilities to suit the latest technology available to achieve optimum health status and excellent life for all societies.


Services available at Hospital Tuaran included:

 Clinical Services

• Emergency Unit
• Department of Pharmacy
• Medical Social Work Unit
• Pathology Unit
• Hemodialysis Services
• Occupational Rehabilitation Unit
• Health Education Unit
• Imaging and Diagnostic Unit
• Physiotherapy Unit

Non-Clinical Services

• Medical Record Unit
• Administration Unit
• Information Technology Unit