Hospital Melaka

Hospital Melaka
Hospital Melaka

Hospital Melaka is a government hospital located in Melaka……

Hospital Melaka provides medical services to all communities in the state and surrounding areas to ensure the health of the community is enhanced and the delivery of information is channeled more effectively.

This is in line with its objective of this hospital as an excellent health care center.


Hospital Melaka, Jalan Mufti Haji Khalil, 75400 Melaka, Malaysia.


+6 06-2822 344


06-2841 590


[email protected]




Hospital Melaka set up for help an individual achieve and maintain a health standard to enable him to carry out productive economic and social life

This can be achieved by providing efficient, effective and effective treatment, rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation services with emphasis on underprivileged groups.


Hospital Melakaprovides quality, efficient and effective medical care, rehabilitation and prevention services. Hospital Melaka provides expertise in various disciplines for both indoor and outdoor patients.

It also provides day care. The services provided are not only for Melaka residents but also for customers from northern, Johor and south of Negeri Sembilan.

Hospital Melaka was built in the early 1930s with the cost of building from Straits Settlement amounting to $ 2.5 million and was inaugurated by Sir Cecil Clementi, Governor of the Straits Settlements on 12 February 1934.

The Opening Ceremony was also attended by Andrew Caldecott (British Colonial Secretary), Major General Lewin Commanding Officer), Dr RD Fitzgerald (Director of Medical Treatment and Health), M.W. Millington (Resident Counselor) and honorary guests including 700 Malacca people.

The new Hospital Melaka building was officiated by Y.A.Bhg. Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad on 9 August 1999.



We promise to provide professional, safe, friendly, caring and quality services

1. We will prioritize critical and partial critical cases in the Emergency and Trauma Department with the following waiting times:

  • Critical case (Red Zone) is treated immediately
  • Critical partial case (Yellow Zone) is treated within 30 minutes
  • Other cases (Green Zone) will be seen according to the patient’s priority

2. Expert Clinic Services will be given by turn and / or customer condition. Priority will be given to children, pregnant women, senior citizens and people with disabilities.

3. Information will be provided to customers regarding illness and care

4. The confidentiality of personal information, illness and care provided to the customer is guaranteed.

5. The right of the patient will be respected

6. Clean, comfortable and safe facilities and environment are available.

If you have a problem, please contact the Public Relations Officer, Melaka Hospital

No tel: 06-2892344



  • To provide quality specialist treatment to patients,
  • Providing effective emergency and traumatic services, inpatient services as well as quality day care,
  • Ensure that all medical personnel undergo continuous medical training and learning,
  • Conduct research and audit to maintain quality care.


To make Hospital Melaka Center of Excellence Center capable of providing care, efficient and effective treatment through teamwork, professional and caring culture and using up-to-date information technology.


To provide quality specialist treatment to the community through teamwork, professionalism and caring. This service should focus on patients, equitable and easily accessible to all by using appropriate technology as well as trained personnel.


Services available at Hospital Melaka included:

Clinical Services

  • General Medicine (Neurology, Nephrology, Endocrinology & Rheumatology)
  • General Surgery (sub Specialist Pediatric Surgery)
  • Orthopedic
  • Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Psychiatry and Mental Health
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dermatology
  • Pathology and Blood Tubes
  • Oral Surgery
  • Otorinolaryngology
  • Emergency & Trauma
  • Forensic
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Pediatric

Support services

  • Pharmaceuticals and Supplies
  • Dietetics and Dish
  • Patient Education
  • Medical Social Work
  • Physiotherapy
  • Work Recovery
  • Hospital Supervision
  • Public health
  • Innovation & Research
  • Medical Library
  • Nursing
  • Medical Record Management (Administration, Human Resources, Finance, Development, Information Management)