Hospital Betong

Hospital Betong
Hospital Betong

Hospital Betong is a government hospital located in Betong, Sarawak….

Hospital Betong provides medical services to all communities in the state and surrounding areas to ensure the health of the community is enhanced and the delivery of information is channeled more effectively.

This is in line with its objective of this hospital as an excellent health care center.


Hospital Betong, Betong, 95700 Betong, Sarawak, Malaysia.


+6 083-472821/472822/472823





Hospital Betong set up for help an individual achieve and maintain a health standard to enable him to carry out productive economic and social life

This can be achieved by providing efficient, effective and effective treatment, rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation services with emphasis on underprivileged groups.


Betong District Council is the first Local Authority established in Sarawak. Initially, it was known as Saribas Dayak Local Authority and started operations on January 1, 1948 with his first office occupying a government building somewhere called “Pun Embawang”. This area is located on the River River bank adjacent to Lili Fort, Betong.

On January 1, 1957, Saribas Dayak Local Authority changed its administrative form to the Mixed Local Authority which was deemed more appropriate as a symbol of the various races who occupied the district. The First Chairman of the Mixed Local Authority is Temenggung Datuk Bernanrd Montegrai ak Tugang. Then the Council once again renamed the Saribas District Council. On March 17, 1959, the council’s office then moved to Betong Brooke Hall. Ten years later, June 26, 1969, Saribas District Council once again moved for a third time to a new office in a one-storey building on Jalan Datuk Montegrai. The building is now known as Giat Mara Betong Center.

On 1 January 1991, once again the Council changed its name to the Betong District Council. On 26 September 1993, the Council moved for the fourth time to a new office in a fort of the building built on the old site of the Rentap Fortress. This building is known as Rentap Fortress Building to this day.

Betong District Council exercises the power to administer the areas under its custody under the law enacted under the “Local Authorities Ordinance” and other relevant laws and the “Council By-Laws” enacted and enshrined in the same Ordinance. Betong area has a total area of ​​2520.89Km Square: –

(i) Betong – 725.00
(ii) Spaoh – 529.18
(iii) Debak – 292.15
(iv) Pusa – 362.47
(v) Maludam – 584.89

The multiracial population comprised 64,127 people. The Malays are the largest ethnic groups in the Betong district of 35,204 people and 24,010 people in Iban followed by 4,913 Chinese.



Local Authority Client Charter

  • Responding to the complainant within twenty-four (24) hours and the status of the action on the complaint within a period not exceeding three (3) working days from the date the complaint is received.
  • Completed building plan applications will be processed and submitted to relevant external agencies / internal sections for review within fourteen (14) working days.
  • The Building Plan is brought to the Council Committee Meeting within a period not exceeding fourteen (14) working days after obtaining approval from all relevant agencies for approval.
  • “Occupation Permit” shall be issued within two (2) working days.
  • All claim payments are paid within ten (10) working days.
  • Domestic waste is collected at least two (2) times a week and according to the collection schedule set by the Council.
  • New books obtained through Local Authority’s acquisition and group loans are processed and displayed for loans within two (2) months from the date of receipt.
  • Take follow-up actions within three (3) working days of each offense / violation of the law.
  • The decision of the business license application is issued within three (3) working days.
  • Assessment Tax bill sent to the customer no later than April 30 and September 30 each year.
  • Minutes of the Council Meeting shall be prepared and distributed within seven (7) working days.
  • At least ninety-five percent (95%) of Grade 22 and above officers attend at least two (42) hours per year training.
  • Implementing a Community Development Program with the population / non-governmental organization on a planned and feasible schedule of eighty five percent (85%) in the current year.
  • At least eighty five percent (85%) of the total approved development projects completed in the current year.



Through the Strategic Strategic or Strategic Objectives (PSO) five (5) Strategic Thrusts or Strategic Objectives have been identified to help Betong District Council implement the

Mission to achieve the Organization Vision: –

  • Strengthening the capacity of the organization to improve the efficiency of the delivery system.
  • Enhance organizational management and leadership.
  • revenue sources and strengthening Council financial management.
  • Improve the welfare of the community.
  • Enhance public health and safety.


Tranformation Betong Towards Prosperous Area.


We Strive to Create Community Prosperity through Providing Efficient And Effective Local Services by Providing Priority and Performance of Customer-Oriented Performance.



  • Emergency & Trauma
  • Internal Patients
  • Out patient
  • Specialist clinic
  • Pathology
  • Imaging & Diagnostics
  • Haemodialysis