Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar

Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar
Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar

Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar is a government hospital located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan….

Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar provides medical services to all communities in the state and surrounding areas to ensure the health of the community is enhanced and the delivery of information is channeled more effectively.

This is in line with its objective of this hospital as an excellent health care center.


Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar, Jalan Rasah, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.


+6 06-768 4000


06-762 5771


[email protected]




Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar set up for help an individual achieve and maintain a health standard to enable him to carry out productive economic and social life

This can be achieved by providing efficient, effective and effective treatment, rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation services with emphasis on underprivileged groups.


Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital, Seremban (HTJS) is located on 26 hectares of Jalan Rasah, 70300 Seremban. Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital, Seremban serves under the custody of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The hospital has 1070 beds and is the largest in Negeri Sembilan. The hospital has 23 clinical expertise, serving the residents of Negeri Sembilan. It is a reference hospital for all District Hospital, Health Center and all Hospital and Private Clinic in Negeri Sembilan.




1. Each customer will be given proper treatment and services at this hospital within the specified time

2. Every customer will be well-served, friendly, considerate, respectful, polite, honest and sincere

3. Any patient requiring special treatment not available at this hospital will be referred to another hospital with the consent of the patient / beneficiary if the condition of the patient

4. Each patient is assured that his or her honor and confidentiality will be protected during treatment

5. Each patient will be given a clear description of the proposed procedures and treatments including risks and other options

Customer Obligations:

To enable the hospital to implement this charter effectively

1. The Customer is obliged to comply with all relevant laws and regulations while in the hospital

2. Maintain health by practicing a healthy way of life

3. Use the facilities provided responsibly

Hospital Customers:

  1. Anyone who uses or benefits from Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar’s services



  • To provide efficient, effective treatment and rehabilitation services and high quality health promotion to patients who need treatment to save lives and get rid of the pain to achieve early and maximum recovery and treat the public and visitors with the caring nature and values pure.


  • Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital, Seremban (HTJS) will be the center of excellence in the promotion of promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspects in key areas of expertise. In addition to being a quality training center, professional development of members of the medical and allied health. Its members will act professionally, be caring and work together as a team towards providing evidence-based friendly services and using appropriate and effective technology.


  • To promote health through health education and promotion activities based on clinics and communities, with partnerships with individuals, communities and other health-related agencies.
  • To save lives, alleviate misery and help with early and complete recovery through quality, efficient and effective diagnostic, curative and rehabilitation services.
  • To provide quality training and continuous professional development to all categories of medical personnel, allied health and medical students.


Services available at Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar included:

Director’s Office

  • Engineering Unit
  • Nursing Unit

Management Department

  • Finance & Revenue Unit
  • Asset & Procurement Management Unit
  • development unit
  • Security Unit
  • Administration Unit
  • Service Unit
  • Public Relations Unit & Customer Service
  • Training & Career Unit
  • Library Units
  • Information & Communication Technology Unit

Clinical Division

  • General Medicine Department (MOPD)
  • Department of Nephrology
  • Psychiatric & Mental Health Department
  • Department of Dermatology
  • Department of Rehabilitation
  • Pathology Department
  • Forensic Department
  • Department of Imaging & Diagnostics
  • Surgery Department (SOPD)
  • Otorinolaryngology department
  • Department of Anesthesiology
  • Orthopedic department
  • Department of Ophthalmology
  • Dental Department
  • Emergency & Trauma Department
  • Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Pediatric Department
  • Unit of Innovation

Support Division

  • Pharmacy Department
  • Dietetic & Dish
  • Health Education Unit
  • Infection Control Unit
  • CSSU
  • Occupational Safety & Health Unit
  • Hospital Supervisor Unit
  • Medical Social Work Department
  • Medical Record Unit
  • Psychology & Counseling Unit