Hospital Kota Belud

Hospital Kota Belud
Hospital Kota Belud

Hospital Kota Belud is a government hospital located in Kota Belud, Sabah….

Hospital Kota Belud provides medical services to all communities in the state and surrounding areas to ensure the health of the community is enhanced and the delivery of information is channeled more effectively.

This is in line with its objective of this hospital as an excellent health care center.


Hospital Kota Belud, Peti Surat No.159, 89150 Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia.


+6 088 – 976 333


088 – 976 911




Hospital Kota Belud set up for help an individual achieve and maintain a health standard to enable him to carry out productive economic and social life

This can be achieved by providing efficient, effective and effective treatment, rehabilitation, treatment and rehabilitation services with emphasis on underprivileged groups.

Hospital Kota Belud is a government hospital located in Kota Belud, Sabah.

The Hospital is a 172 beds hospital and it is a district hospital providing specialist services for outpatient and inpatient Sabah.


Modern Medical Services began in the Belud City area around 1946. The first hospital was built in 1950 on a hill, adjacent to the existing district office building.

The new hospital (currently available) has been completed and fully operational in 1982. It is approximately 1.5 km from Kota Belud Town via Kota Belud Shortcut to Ranau. The new Men’s ward has been completed and operated in 2001.

The hospital has undergone many improvements and received various medical devices to improve the quality of health services offered. The first Director of the Hospital is Dr.Anil Kukreja and up to now has a total of 17 directors who have served at the Hospital Kota Belud and Former Director Dr. Alice Chin has been leading from October 31, 2009 until September 30, 2010 and is currently in charge of the Hospital Kota Belud.

Currently Belud Kota Hospital is led by Dr. Eddy Tong Kwan Meng Medical Officer UD 52 as Director of the Hospital. Now Hospital Kota Belud has officially 172 beds.


  • Every customer will be well-served, friendly, thoughtful, respectful and polite, honest and sincere.
  • Every customer will be best served as professionally.
  • Every customer will be provided with clean and perfect amenities and environment.
  • All customers will be serviced by turn.
  • The duration of the initial treatment service by the Medical Officer and Assistant Medical Officer is 30 minutes. The duration of the treatment as a whole is 90 minutes.
  • All customer documents are difficult and maintained.
  • Every customer has to comply with all the rules and instructions that are prescribed for the proper, quality and secure service.



Providing quality healthcare and helping all societies to achieve optimum health status regardless of population status using existing facilities. In addition, it strives to enhance the potential of staff and make them more proactive, practice teamwork and apply the value of caring services to excellence.


Kota Belud Hospital will be an institution capable of providing excellent and continuous health services to all societies.


Kota Belud Hospital is working to improve the quality of services through the Ministry of Health’s corporate culture practices as well as creating a healthy environment for achieving better health status.


Services available at Hospital Kota Belud included:

Clinical Services

• Emergency Unit
• Department of Pharmacy
• Dentistry Unit
• Medical Social Work Unit
• Pathology Unit
• Hemodialysis Services
• Occupational Rehabilitation Unit
• Health Education Unit
• Imaging and Diagnostic Unit
• Physiotherapy Unit
• Optometry Unit

Non-Clinical Services

• Medical Record Unit
• Administration Unit
• Information Technology Unit